Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today I saw a little girl in a Tigger outfit from Winnie the Pooh. 

It was glorious.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


How much is 100$. Depends on who you ask. Paul, a homeless man on the bridge between Ceasar's Palace and the Bellagio draws flowers and colors them in. He sells them for 30 cents. he watches listens to the drunk out-of-towners rant and rave about the City of Sin. I'm in Vegas, and for these short for moments I am exactly where Paul is, doing exactly what Paul does. To be honest, the flowers take about 4 minutes to color in. "This is markers, no mess ups, it's a waste of time." says Paul. So I take my time to color in the lines. As I sit in awe of this man's life, I can't help but notice he is only wearing a raggedy t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. According to the giant thermometer we drove by on the way into vegas it's roughly 45 degrees outside. Pual doesn't mind. We talk about San Diego and the time he spent in Lemon Grove with his Grandparents. He prefers the concrete bed and a life on the streets to the life he had in San Diego. I wanted to question further but I could tell he was feeling uneasy. The Bellagio shoots water hundreds of feet in the air. Spectators take a sip of a 43$ drink. People passing by stumble and talk about drinking more. It's 1:37am, Halloween Morning. Happy Halloween. The people walking by don't notice me, or Pual, or more importantly the 30 cent pictures of flowers that are laid out on the pavement, begging for a buyer. I don't have change, so the flower is not mine. A group of people pass that speak a foreign language, but you don't have to speak it to know they are making fun of Paul. Making fun of me for being next to Paul. The Bridge is empty now. The sound of Taxis and the late night sluts is all that can be heard in the distant. I'm sure hell doesn't get this cold, but at least the company can hold a decent conversation, unlike the people walking onto this bridge. The city lights are and attraction that kills. An advertisement for the wicked and weary. A venus flytrap for the lost. The yelling in the distance is reminiscent of a big prison. The only difference is that the people in Vegas don't know they are locked up.

Happy Halloween.